Dear valued clients,

Together, we are all facing a truly unprecedented situation. The global COVID-19 pandemic is affecting our families, our businesses, our communities, and our way of life. Our hearts and support go out to anyone who’s been impacted by the virus, either directly or indirectly.

To stem the tide of COVID-19 infections, the Singapore government announced the COVID-19 Circuit Breaker on Friday, April 3. The Circuit Breaker introduced among others, the suspension of all activities at non-essential workplaces.

At this time, I want to reach out and update you on the current situation and how we’re approaching it at Malca-Amit Singapore.
Malca- Amit Singapore will continue to operate as per normal under the Singapore government’s Circuit Breaker as part of essential services and as approved by the Singapore Ministry of Trade and Industry.

Our highest priority is the safety and health and well-being of our clients, employees and their families. Our employees are strongly encouraged to minimize their travel and work from home. With many already used to working flexibly, this shift has fortunately been relatively smooth. We are also asking our teams to work with their clients through digital channels as much as possible. Additional safety precautionary measures are in place for staff who are required to meet clients, partners, and contractors.

We are continuously adapting to mitigate the potential impacts for our clients and finding ways and means in reducing the inconvenience brought about by the Circuit Breaker. Do expect our utmost efforts to deliver this but we do hope for your patience and understanding during these challenging times.

As we go forward, we’ll be sure to keep you updated, and know that we always value your questions, ideas and feedback.
On behalf of all of us at Malca-Amit Singapore, we’re committed to servicing you with absolute peace of mind especially in these times

Thank you and Stay safe!!!

Ariel Kohelet